Monday, April 9, 2012

Cell Animation

I think this is one of my better projects. I think they are so cute and they took a long time to finish too. I feel very successful of these project because they do look like they could be little animations in a little show! The two little love bears!! I think a lot of things worked with this project like the characters and the little fireworks in the background. However, what didn't work was the white space in the background. If I could change anything I would definetly put more colors to the background along with the fireworks. The most difficult part was the painting to make sure there weren't any blochy spots. I also put the fireworks in the wrong spots, but I used my imagination and fixed the problem!! I learned how to create an animation with characters and backgrounds. 

Text Collage

I think this art is decent. It's not the best I have done, but it's good. I think it's successful because it doesn't look terrible. I think the color part worked. One could see the letters I put by the colors, therefore it worked. What I didn't think worked about this project was the background on the right side. I like the newspaper part of it, but I don't like the magazine part with it. I would change the background by making it all with newspaper and would of made the words a little smaller on the left. The most difficult part was finding all the words in the right color. This project also took a lot of time to complete, which was hard to deal with. I learned how to make a picture with words. It's an interesting concept to think I made this imagine with words I found.