Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Op Art 2

No picture

This project looks really cool. I like the color scheme I chose and I like the design I did. It did take awhile because I made a lot of small areas, but it still looks really cool. I wouldn't change anything about this project. The small areas do make it more hard to color, but it's worth it if it looks nice. It's a fun project just to draw circles and lines then color them in and it makes art. I'm glad I'm ending this year with this project because I think this is one of my better projects.

Pop Art Sculture

Awww we are so cute! Seriously, this project is awesome! As a group we did really well together and those apps. look really good. You can tell what everything is. The apps. I did were the Facebook, Twitter, Temple Run, Draw Something, and the Safari one. I'm proud of the apps. I did and I think they look really good! This project was all around difficult and time consuming. The only thing I would change would be adding the button to the bottom to make it look more like an iPhone. Other than that it looks really nice and we even made it possible to move them around by adding velcro. We are such great thinkers!=)

Op Art 1

I love this piece! It turned out a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I'm so happy I did this the way I did because it looks like the three things are going into the circle and the checkers on it really get you. I don't think I would chnage anything about this project. Maybe one thing and that would be the biggest circle on the bottom right side it's a little flat and it bugs me. However, everything else is good! The hardest part of this project was coloring with those stinky markers. Ewww!=P It was also hard finding a good marker to color with. The design wasn't easy to think of either, but it eventually came to me. Overall, I really like this project and I think I really just like Op Art.

Magazine Reflection

I feel pretty good about this project. It was hard to get the pieces right and have them in the right spots. I think overall I did pretty good on it. The nose was the hardest part because it was straight on. The picture I chose also had a lot of shading and that part was difficult to do. I'm not sure that I would change anything except the fact that it is a little tilted. My favorite part is the lips because I think they actually look like lips. The part I don't like is the shading of the stick in her mouth onto her face. It looks like she has a mustache of some kind and I don't like it. Other than that everything else looks good!=)

Water Color

I really like this project. When I was coming up with what to do, I wanted to do cherries, but I also wanted to do ladybugs. I decided to do both and I think it worked out. Water colors are very hard to work with, but I think I did alright with them. When I was little I would always use water colors, but it seemed a lot easier to use back then than now. I still really like the last one the best. The cherry part looks really good. However, I like the first lady bug, the yellow one. It was the last one I did and I finally got the hang of drying then putting the dots on. The overall hardest part was when I would paint and then the color would bleed out. It was actually quiet frustrating, but I finally worked it out and it turned out alright.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Skeleton Drawing

I think this is one of my better drawings. I feel very proud of it and find it very successful. The one on the left is very very good and I wouldn't change anything about it. The skeleton drawing was very hard to do. I think parts of it look good, but then other parts look weird. For example, the ribs look like they are connected to the arm and the arm looks like it is connected to the neck. I do think the shading and the colors do look good and it does look like a real lion! Rawr!!