Thursday, October 27, 2011

Superhero Gesture Drawing

I think this drawing looks pretty good. It's not terrible, but it's not amazing. It's good for me though! I feel pretty successful. I mean you can tell it's a Barbie, so that's pretty successful to me. I think the clothes worked for this project. The apron looks really good overlapping the skirt and shirt. I also think the hands look good. What didn't work in this drawing was the torso and shoes. The shoes just look to thin and don't look like shoes to me. The torso is also too long. I tried making it shorter and wider, but it didn't look right to me. If I had to redo something, I would choose the torso. It just looks to long to me and I would just try to make it shorter and wider. I think the most difficult part was making her legs and arms proportinate to each other. Her legs and arms are really long and it was hard to make them proportinate to each other and her body. I think that's a reason why her torso didn't look right. I learned to combine colors to get the color you want. For the skin I combined orange and pink and for the hair I combined yellow and brown. Combining these colors gave me the colors I wanted.

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