Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Color Wheel

I think my color wheel is original. I did some different designs and one can tell the different sections of the colors. I think i also did well at making it go lighter as it went in. I think it's successful because I did a unique design and the colors and fading of the colors look good. What worked was the colors and the fading of the colors. However, what didn't work was some of the colors went into the next part. The changes I would make would be to be more careful when I painted so I didn't overlap into the next color. The most difficult part of this was making the right colors and making them fade as it went in. It was difficult because I had to make the colors by mixing the other colors and fading it was hard because I had to make sure the colors were getting lighter as I went in. I learned how to make the different colors and how to fade them.

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