Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Text Art 2

I think this project looks cool with all the different letters connected and all the different types. I think it's successful because it looks interesting and fun. It has all the different shapes and different part of letters. It just makes the project come together. What worked was all the different parts coming together to make something else. What I think didn't work was how I can tell which letters are which. What I would have changed was maybe put more letters on their to combine with to make it look different and not noticeable of the letters. The most difficult part of this project was the painting, just like the last project. Another difficult part was picking the letters because I didn't want to repeat any. I learned how to combine the different letters to make something new.  

Text Art 1

I think this project is good. It isn't great, but it's good. I feel successful of this project because it looks cool and has all the requirements. What I believed worked was the negative and positive. I think the black and white looks cool and brings attention to this project. What didn't work was the zooming in of the letters. I should have zoomed in more on the letter, but for some reason it just didn't look right to me. I would probably zoom in a little more and make the letters thicker. The most difficult part of this project was painting with the black. Getting close to the edge was hard because sometimes you would get over the line and have to fix it, so it didn't look the way you wanted it to. I learned the positive and negative part of a drawing. They don't have to be the same amount. For example, the negative can be the background color or the lettering color and it doesn't matter which.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Art Career

The art career that interests me most is photography. I'm not the best at drawing and I'm decent with computers, so I think photography would be the art career for me. When I look at a magazine, I always look at the pictures. Not many people like to read, so if I took pictures I would know my art is being noticed. Photographers also make pretty good salaries. An average yearly salary of a photographer is $42,000. However, to make that much money I would have to go to college for about 3 and half years to become a professional.

My job duties would be to take the pictures, set the scene up for the picture, pick what or who I want in the picture, and the picture I want with the effects I want with it. However, I wouldn't be doing this alone. I would have make-up artists and hair artists. I would also have people helping get the images with a computer and people working the different parts that a photo shoot needs. I would also need an assistant to help me stay organized.

After reseraching about this job, it could be a job possibility. They make good money and most of the time I can do what I want with a shot. I'm basically my own boss and I can tell other people what to do. Of course I would be nice about telling people what to do, but it would be nice taking very few orders from someone else.