Thursday, February 9, 2012

Art Career

The art career that interests me most is photography. I'm not the best at drawing and I'm decent with computers, so I think photography would be the art career for me. When I look at a magazine, I always look at the pictures. Not many people like to read, so if I took pictures I would know my art is being noticed. Photographers also make pretty good salaries. An average yearly salary of a photographer is $42,000. However, to make that much money I would have to go to college for about 3 and half years to become a professional.

My job duties would be to take the pictures, set the scene up for the picture, pick what or who I want in the picture, and the picture I want with the effects I want with it. However, I wouldn't be doing this alone. I would have make-up artists and hair artists. I would also have people helping get the images with a computer and people working the different parts that a photo shoot needs. I would also need an assistant to help me stay organized.

After reseraching about this job, it could be a job possibility. They make good money and most of the time I can do what I want with a shot. I'm basically my own boss and I can tell other people what to do. Of course I would be nice about telling people what to do, but it would be nice taking very few orders from someone else.

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