Thursday, January 12, 2012

Still Life Drawing

I don't think it's one of my best drawings now that I have done other ones. Some parts of it I like and other parts I don't. I feel kind of successful, but not a lot. Some of the shading looks really good, but then some of the drawings don't look quite right. I think the shading worked pretty well, but some of the items don't look right. The cup looks to small and the volleyball looks a little off. I would make the items more proportionate to each other. The most difficult part of this project was probably the shading and trying to figure out where to shade, how much, and how dark to shade it. It was difficult because you had to look closely to where the light was hitting and where the shadowing was. I learned how to make objects look bigger when closer and smaller when farther away and where to shade from where the light is coming.

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