Thursday, January 12, 2012

Still Life Drawing

I don't think it's one of my best drawings now that I have done other ones. Some parts of it I like and other parts I don't. I feel kind of successful, but not a lot. Some of the shading looks really good, but then some of the drawings don't look quite right. I think the shading worked pretty well, but some of the items don't look right. The cup looks to small and the volleyball looks a little off. I would make the items more proportionate to each other. The most difficult part of this project was probably the shading and trying to figure out where to shade, how much, and how dark to shade it. It was difficult because you had to look closely to where the light was hitting and where the shadowing was. I learned how to make objects look bigger when closer and smaller when farther away and where to shade from where the light is coming.

Doodle Drawing

My overall thoughts on this is it's really cool looking. I like some parts more than others, but it is a really interesting project. I feel pretty successful because I had all the requirements first off and it just looks cool with all the different designs. This project was probably one of the most fun ones we have done. What worked about this project was the pinwheel, the swirls, the patches, and the stretched checker board. What didn't work as well were the bricks and waves I thought. If I did this over again, I'm not sure if I would make any changes. Maybe just of the bricks and how I did those, but that's about it. The most difficult part of this project was coming up with the original designs and figuring out where to put all the designs. It was just hard because I had to be really creative to come up the designs and it just took a lot to do. I learned how to make the designs and how to make it come altogether.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One-Point Perspective Name

I like this project. I like how my name looks and how the colors are. It just looks really amazing how the name looks like it's coming out of the paper. I feel successful with this project because the point of this was to make the name look like it was popping out and thats what it looks like to me.What worked for this project was how it pops out. What didn't work was maybe the spacing between the letters. If I had do this again I would probably make the spacing even between the letters. The most difficult part of this project was making sure I had the lines going to the vanishing point. The letter "S" was the hardest letter to do, but really my whole name is long and it took awhile to complete. I think that's why it was so hard because my name is just really long. I learned how to make the letters come out and that they had to go to the vanishing point to make that happen.

One-Point Perspective Hallway

My overall thoughts of this drawing is that I really like it! It's so colorful and fun. It looks like something I would make and that's why I like it so much! I feel so successful because it goes in like a hallway and it's really bright and fun. What worked about this was how it goes in like a real hallway. It looks like I'm looking into a hallway. It also is colorful and original. I think the only thing that doesn't work are the doors. The shapes just look a little odd to me. I don't think I would change anything. I like this project just the way it is. The most difficult part of the project was getting the things on the wall at the correct angle. Getting it going down the hall and making it smaller and having the lines going to the vanishing point was difficult. I don't quite know why it was so hard, but it just was. I did learn how to make a hallway and make it going in like one would be walking down it. I also learned how to make the objects on the walls to look as if they were going down too.

Two-Point Perspective Drawing

I don't like this project. It doesn't look two-dimensional. I don't feel that successful because it doesnt look two-dimensional. The design of it is okay, but I didn't pull the building back to make it pop out. That's what didn't work for me; not pulling the building back. I think it's already obvious what I would change and that would be to pull the building back to make it have that two-dimensional effect. The most difficult part was to get the building at it's angles. It was hard because when I did pull it make it didn't look right, so I kept changing it. I learned to now pull it back to give it that two-dimensional look.

Color Wheel

I think my color wheel is original. I did some different designs and one can tell the different sections of the colors. I think i also did well at making it go lighter as it went in. I think it's successful because I did a unique design and the colors and fading of the colors look good. What worked was the colors and the fading of the colors. However, what didn't work was some of the colors went into the next part. The changes I would make would be to be more careful when I painted so I didn't overlap into the next color. The most difficult part of this was making the right colors and making them fade as it went in. It was difficult because I had to make the colors by mixing the other colors and fading it was hard because I had to make sure the colors were getting lighter as I went in. I learned how to make the different colors and how to fade them.