Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One-Point Perspective Name

I like this project. I like how my name looks and how the colors are. It just looks really amazing how the name looks like it's coming out of the paper. I feel successful with this project because the point of this was to make the name look like it was popping out and thats what it looks like to me.What worked for this project was how it pops out. What didn't work was maybe the spacing between the letters. If I had do this again I would probably make the spacing even between the letters. The most difficult part of this project was making sure I had the lines going to the vanishing point. The letter "S" was the hardest letter to do, but really my whole name is long and it took awhile to complete. I think that's why it was so hard because my name is just really long. I learned how to make the letters come out and that they had to go to the vanishing point to make that happen.

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