Thursday, January 12, 2012

Doodle Drawing

My overall thoughts on this is it's really cool looking. I like some parts more than others, but it is a really interesting project. I feel pretty successful because I had all the requirements first off and it just looks cool with all the different designs. This project was probably one of the most fun ones we have done. What worked about this project was the pinwheel, the swirls, the patches, and the stretched checker board. What didn't work as well were the bricks and waves I thought. If I did this over again, I'm not sure if I would make any changes. Maybe just of the bricks and how I did those, but that's about it. The most difficult part of this project was coming up with the original designs and figuring out where to put all the designs. It was just hard because I had to be really creative to come up the designs and it just took a lot to do. I learned how to make the designs and how to make it come altogether.

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