Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One-Point Perspective Hallway

My overall thoughts of this drawing is that I really like it! It's so colorful and fun. It looks like something I would make and that's why I like it so much! I feel so successful because it goes in like a hallway and it's really bright and fun. What worked about this was how it goes in like a real hallway. It looks like I'm looking into a hallway. It also is colorful and original. I think the only thing that doesn't work are the doors. The shapes just look a little odd to me. I don't think I would change anything. I like this project just the way it is. The most difficult part of the project was getting the things on the wall at the correct angle. Getting it going down the hall and making it smaller and having the lines going to the vanishing point was difficult. I don't quite know why it was so hard, but it just was. I did learn how to make a hallway and make it going in like one would be walking down it. I also learned how to make the objects on the walls to look as if they were going down too.

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